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Pte.10576 Thomas Baird 2nd. Seaforth Highlanders |
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Information on Medal awards for the First World War For further information concerning this item please visit the following sites. Another site in connection with this article.
IRISH FUSILIERS EAST LANCASHIRE REGIMENT 1ST. RIFLE BRIGADE 2nd. ROYAL WELCH FUSILIERS and various other detachments of the 4th., 10th. And 12 th. Divisions The
family lore brought back from France by a survivor was that my Grandfathers' brother, Thomas Baird, was killed by a sniper
whilst trying to retrieve an officers' great coat from no mans' land having been offered 2/6d to get it back.I have since
read that to camouflage the horror of the Battle of The Somme , stories were fabricated to allow relatives to have a sanitised
impression of what was going on. In
his book ' Scotlands' War Losses' , Duncan Duff stated; "
It is still not known how many Scots died in the war. One well argued estimate put the figure at 110,000 , equivelant to about
10% of the Scottish male population aged between 16 and 50 and probably to about 15% of the total British war dead. The sacrifice
was higher in proportionate terms than for any other country in the empire. Thirteen out of fourteen were privates and non-commissioned
Officers from the working classes." In February 2004 I obtained information
on Thomas Bairds' Medal Card from
the Internet as follows; Entered
into the War Zone on the 23rd. August 1914 and entitled to the following medals, The Victory Medal and the British Medal G/104 Blo page 592 and the 1914 Star G/1/1 Page 6. Catalogue reference WO/372/1.
the Battalion War History it would appear that Thomas Bairds' batallion had a very active war. In
a history of the Batallion by Lieutenant Colonel Angus Fairie he records; "1914 When th war boke out the 2n. Seaforths were
stationed at Shorncliffe. They went to France with 10th. Brigade of the 4th. Division in the British Expeditionary Force.
They went into the line at LE CATEAU. They fought with 10th. Brigade in the retreat from MONS, ending in the victory at at
the battle of the RIVER MARNE which halted the German advance in early September 1914. The
batallion then took part in the attack on the German held village of METEREN on 10th. Octobr 1914. It was one of the last
battles to be fought before the war developed into trench warfare. 1915 During
April and May of 1915 the 2nd. Seaforths were heavily engaged in the defence of the
YPRES salient against German attacks. On the 25th. April they suffered their first major casualties when they took part in
the costly attack on SAINT JULIEN, losing 348 Officers and men killed and wounded. On
the 2nd. May, the battalion had its first experience of poison gas. At the time there was little protection against gas except
for an ineffective respirator of impregnated cloth or even a handkerchief, and the batallion lost 24 dead from gas , with
324 sick. The
German attacks between 25th. April and 24th. May 1915 cost the Batallion over 1000 casualties. 1915-1916 After
the crippling casualties suffered at YPRES, the 2nd. Seaforth were transferred to the quieter sector of the 3RD. ARMY FRONT
between ALBERT and ARRAS. Here they took part in minor operations but also had a chance to absorb reinforcements and carry
out retraining between periods in the trenches. On the 1st. July 1916 the British offensive on the
RIVER SOMME started, after an artillery bombardment of seven days. The objective of the 2nd. Seaforth was the village of BEAUMONT
HAMEL. By the end of the day the
British Army had lost 57,470 casualties, over 20,000 of whom were killed. The 2nd. Seaforth alone lost over 500 killed and
wounded. THE
BATTLE OF THE SOMME lasted for 4 months and the total gain was 3 or 4 miles of
enemy held ground. The 2nd. Seaforth remained in and out of the line for the entire 4 months. After visiting the grave
of Thomas Baird in March 2004 I was intrigued by the fact that his grave was in the last plot to be completed at Serre Road
#2 Cemetery. I contacted the CWGC and they informed me that he was only interred there in 1932. His body previously being
'buried' outside Lesbeoufs at Map Ref. 57c.T4.b.8.3. (see photograph 5). This
location is approximately 50 yards from the line of the Seaforth Trench and 250 from the Gun Pit location. The exact reason
for his body being in that position are unclear from the Battalion War Diary when wounded and dead men were brought back from the German Trenches despite the atrocious ground conditions. Possibly the family
folk lore was true that he was killed by a sniper after the attack. The
extracts taken from the War Diary of the 2nd. Battallion Seaforth Highlanders, have, to
the best of my knowledge, never been published and the only copy is held in Cameron Barracks in Inverness, where I obtained
photocopies of the relevant pages from Lieutenant Colonel A.M. Cumming. This article began as an attempt to find out the circumstances
surrounding the death of my Great Uncle , Thomas Baird, Private 10576, 2nd.
Battalion Seaforth Highlanders on
the 14th. October 1916. I had been brought up hearing from his brother and sister
in law, my grandparents, that he had been “ Killed at The Somme “ allegedly being shot by a German sniper while trying to retrieve an officers’
great coat after a failed attack from trenches which were inadequate because they had been
“ dug by wee Welshmen “. Years passed and
eventually I fell into the trap of Genealogy and began researching my Family Tree . One tangent I went off on was to research
the Military side and where else to start than with “Uncle Tam”. After all I knew he had been killed during the
Battle of the Somme --- Now where could I find out about that battle? I bought Martin Middlebrooks’ book titled “The
First Day On The Somme” and was almost traumatized by what I read. I honestly had no idea up until then of what had
happened in that place. I was amazed to discover that in the middle of that death
and horror, men wrote official “War Diaries” for their Battalion,
there was even one for the 2nd. Seaforths, held in Cameron Barracks in Inverness. My wife had an uncle killed at Gallipoli serving with the
1/8th. Cameronians and we also discovered the tragic details of the attack in which he and over 400 of his ‘pals’
were killed in their first action in June 1915. Years passed again and eventually I persuaded my long suffering wife to accompany me to the Somme ( it was closer than Turkey and my wife also had some
relatives buried in war graves in France and Belgium) to visit the grave of Uncle Tam . Another humbling experience for both
of us to see not so much the graves , but the number of cemeteries and the seemingly
endless walls of names of those of whom not enough had remained to be granted
a burial. Thousands at the Thiepval Memorial , thousands more on the Menin Gate even
more on the walls surrounding the seemingly endless Cemeteries . All this is well documented and it is an acknowledgment
of my own ignorance that I was not aware of it before I began my research. Slowly I began to come across the names “Transloy
Ridges” and “Dewdrop Trench” being repeated for several Battalions
during October 1916. The number of casualties was mounting and the conditions were repeatedly described as being the very
worst experienced during the whole war. Even my ‘mentor ‘ ,Martin Middlebrook, did not mention it in his books.
The Battle of the Transloy Ridges around the village of Lesbeoufs was like the tail on the donkey that was the Battle of the
Somme. The men who died there deserved more recognition for their
efforts in the mud in which some drowned as they tried to follow orders to attack German positions , the exact locations of
which were unclear due to the landscape being more like a seascape, totally devoid of landmarks. In the end it was not the
men but the officers who basically said ‘ enough
is enough’ and the killing subsided until the following Spring. WAR DIARY 1ST. OCTOBER 1916 REF MAP AMIENS 17 BILLETS IN MEAULTE
- 2 MILES EAST OF ALBERT We had to supply 200 more men for work in addition to the
400 already employed. What remained of the Battalion marched to LA NEUVILLE 9 near CORBIE), leaving MEAULTE at 9 a.m. We always
had to keep to the tracks at the side of the road, so as to leave the roads clear for motor transport. The billets at LA NEUVILLE
were very poor. Very crowded and dirty. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES; 2/LIEUT - J.R.MACKINTOSH-WALKER from hospital. 2/LIEUT - N.S. STUART and 2O.R. from LEWIS GUN SCHOOL. 9 O.R. reinforcements joined. 2ND to 6TH OCTOBER 1916 BILLETS IN LA NEUVILLE NEAR CORBIE. WHICH ARE 10 MILES
NORTH OF AMIENS. These days were spent in general preparations for the operations
which were drawing very near. On the second there was a brigade conference, which was held on the ground beyond the village
of FRANVILLERS. C.Os, company adjutants and company commanders attended. It was a wet and horrible day. A scheme was arranged
for a practice attack on FRANVILLERS, which was meant to represent the village of LE TRANSLOY, which we were given to understand,
would be our objective on or about the 10th. The idea was that the
Division would take over a forward line in front of LE TRANSLOY from the 56th Division on the 8th. They
would attack on a front of 3 Battalion and keeping us in reserve. The 8th Battalion were billeted in FRANVILLERS,
and we saw several of them. On the 3rd. the weather was very bad, and the
divisional exercise proposed for that day was postponed. Companies were very busy getting everything------------- 7TH. OCTOBER 1916 SOURCE; PRIVATE ARTHUR DORNAM, 1/12 Bn. LONDON REGIMENT(The
Rangers)56th. London Division (TF) In the official history of the 7 October attack, the ‘
Rangers’ are accorded this reference; “Advancing
four minutes after zero hour, the 1/12 London failed before DEWDROP TRENCH , northeast of Lesbeoufs, which had been shelled
by Stokes mortars as it was too close for artillery bombardment.” LETTER FROM ARTHUR DORNAM; ‘ Our first job was to
hold an advanced trench, 50 yards from the Huns for two days, during which time we had no casualties. On the night of the
6th. We moved into a new position and had to dig ourselves in just at dawn – we were under shell fire for
20 minutes after we started so you bet we worked jolly hard. Later on in the morning word was passed along that we were
to go over the top at about 1 o’clock. The bombardment by our guns on the German trenches started. I’ve never
heard anything like it, and never want to again – the air seemed full of shells and the Huns replied furiously. They
must have had news of the attack for when we went over we were met by a hail of shrapnel and machine gun bullets. I know they
were spitting up dirt all round me and although I had several narrow squeaks, I wasn’t hurt. From what I can learn nearly all my pals were either killed
or wounded. I landed eventually in a shell hole with a german sniper
potting at me everytime I moved, so I waited until dark and then crept farther to my left until I found some of our boys in
a trench. I acted as stretcher bearer all night and all that were left of us were relieved early on Sunday morning(8th.).
‘C’ company went in 138 strong and 25 came out.” On the following day, the 8th. October, the
war poet Sergeant Leslie Coulson was killed whilst serving with the 1/12th. London Regiment during another unsuccessful
assault on DEWDROP TRENCH . Aged 27, his most remembered works are “The Rainbow”
and “Who Made the Law “. The latter being a savage indictment of the politicians and military authorities who
determined that the war should continue. 2nd. Seaforth Highlanders War Diary(contd) OCTOBER 8TH. MAP REFERENCE F.17.b . Sheet 62D. NN TENTS IN MANSEL CAMP, 1 MILE WEST OF CARNOY AND JUST NORTH
OF THE MEAULTE - CARNOY ROAD. A very wet morning. The battalion moved off at 10:30 am.
The congestion of traffic was terrific, hence the battalion took four hours to get to Mansel Camp- a distance of not more
than four miles. This lies within the old German Lines, and the whole countryside is one mass of trenches and shell holes.
The whole brigade spent the night in this camp. Accommodation very cramped. The guns were particularly busy during that night,
and having been away from the guns for some time, we all found it somewhat difficult to sleep. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES; 1 N.C.O. on leave until the 16th 9th. OCTOBER MAP REF. T.19d. Sheet 57.e
GUILLEMONT - COMBLES ROAD. The battalion left MANSEL CAMP at 7.35a.m. and marched
by compass bearing across country to BENAFAY WOOD just EAST of MONTAUBAN. The ground got worse and worse as we got nearer
the line. The traffic became more congested and the roads were always packed. We were allotted a piece of ground between BENAFAY and
TRONES WOODS. MAP REFERENCE S.2.g . central- sheet 57.c.S.W. We imagined we would be here for one night at least, so we got
what kit and stores we could collect up there and settled down, making what cover we could. There was a system of trenches
here which we made good use of. After lunch, we received orders that we were to move up and camp out on the ground at on the
EASTERN EDGE OF GUILLEMONT. We thereupon despatched all those who had been selected to stay back as 1st. reinforcements,
off to the transport. The transport was in the vicinity of CARNOY- a very bad place with little shelter for anyone. The battalion moved off by companies at 6 p.m. and marched
to our new camping ground. GUILLEMONT must have been quite a large sized village in
its’ day but now there is not one single stone standing upon another. The village of MONTAUBAN was very much the same.
From MONTAUBAN Eastwards, the whole country is one stretch of absolute desolation- a more gloomy sight I have never seen.
The ground is just a mass of shell holes, varying from size of Stokes Mortar craters to the size of the crater made by a 15
inch. We settled down on the outskirts of GUILLEMONT, and the
men spent most of the night collecting material, and making dugouts for themselves. It was a very beautiful night but cold.
The travelling kitchens came up to a point about T .19.d.2.3. and carriers from each company and Headquarters lived beside the road there, and brought up hot meals for the men three times a day. Brigade HQ were in
dugouts in the QUARRY in T.19.c, where they remained until the 17th. Meanwhile the WARWICKS and IRISH FUSILIERS had moved up
to the line during the evening and had taken over the trenches in front of, or rather South of LESBEOUFS from part of the
56th.Division. The DUBLINS had moved up to a trench line – about ½ a mile South of LESBEOUFS and remained
there in Brigade support. We were in Brigade reserve ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES; 2/Lieut T.W. Horne to hospital 6 O.R. R.A.M.S attached. 10th. OCTOBER We were surrounded on all sides by guns of every calibre
and the noise was disquieting to say the least of it. It was a perfect day and very fresh. We drew shovels from the Brigade
dump- one per man. Also Mills Grenades No. 5, - ‘P’ bombs (smoke) – Very Lights- and green flares for the
attack. These were all issued to companies. There was a short Church of England Service in the evening held in a big shell-
hole followed by Holy Communion. Rev. C. Waldegrave officiated. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES; 3 O.R. attached 10TH. Brigade as runners 11th. OCTOBER It was a rather dull day, with the symptoms of rain. There
was a colossal bombardment from mid-day onwards. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES; 2/Lieut R. Smith to hospital 12th. OCTOBER MAP REF. T.8.D. 9.7–T.9.D. 3.7. SHEET 57c S.W. BATTN H.Q., C AND D COMPANIES IN A SUPPORT TRENCH ½ MILE
WEST OF LESBEOUFS It is a very fine day. The FOURTH ARMY renewed the attack
on “THE BROWN LINE”- as far as it concerned the 4th. Division this line was the ridge running to the
West of the LE TRANSLOY, from which the LE TRANSLOY LINE could be seen, and assaulted at a later date. The10th. Brigade, went over on the right and
the 12th. Brigade went on the left. At the same time the French made an attack on the right of the 10th.Brigade.
Zero, or the hour for the attack to start was fixed for 2:5 p.m.. The preliminary bombardment carried on from midday on the
11th. Till Zero hour; at this hour every gun on the front opened fire. The infantry got out of their trenches,
lined up in front and went forward in waves. The intense barrage continued until some instruction was brought back by the
contact aeroplanes that the objectives had been attained or not, as the case happened to be. One almost thought that the Heavens
had opened- the noise was so terrific. The IRISH FUSILIERS had gone over on the left and the WARWICKS on the right. The attack
was a failure. The10th. Brigade was held up by some GERMAN MACHINE GUN PITS in T.5.a. (Sheet 57c S.W.) The casualties were heavy and only a small piece of trench
was gained by the WARWICKS on their extreme right. Three companies of the DUBLINS went up in support and during the evening
we received orders to move up to the trench recently occupied by those three companies of the DUBLINS with Battalion H.Q.
and 2 more companies. We took C and D companies and moved up through GINCHY. We
found the trench and settled down in it. It was quite dry. The night was comparatively quiet. Our wounded were coming down
in large numbers. EXTRACT FROM WAR DIARY OF 2nd. Battalion ESSEX
Regiment; 12th. October 1916 FLERS LINE. COW AND MIRROR TRENCH. Brigade ready for the attack Zero hour 2.5p.m. German trench DEWDROP caused a check and was finally the cause of a return of assaulting lines to assembly
trenches. Men of the Dukes reaches BROWN LINE but were not seen again.
Lancashire Fusiliers were held up by German trench ZENITH. Whole attack was held up by M.G. fire. 13TH. OCTOBER 1916 MAP REF. 57.c.S.W. TRENCHES EAST OF LESBEOUFS It was a dull day. We heard that we would either relieve
the IRISH FUSILIERS in the trenches at night, or else, as the Colonel suggested, make a surprise night attack on DEWDROP TRENCH,
one of the German strong points which had held up more than one attack. The C.O. was therefore asked to reconnoitre the ground
in view of this attack. He
went out with two Company Officers who were present.The Scout Officer and a few of the more intelligent scouts, and after
looking at the ground from a point of vantage, he decided that DEWDROP TRENCH could be taken by a surprise, if the attack
was made from a line to the North East of Les Boeufs. The lie of the ground between this line and DEWDROP would help the attack
enormously and the Colonel was fully convinced that it would be a success. However
we received orders at 5.30pm to relieve the Irish Fusiliers in the trenches. The other two companies came up from Guillemont
and the Battalion relieved the Fusiliers. The
Battalion front stretched from T4b 5.9 to T4d 9.7 . Two companies in the front line and two in support. A
company were in Burnaby Trench ; C company in Foggy Trench; D company in left support in Thistle Trench; B company in right
support in Shamrock Trench. The
trenches were in a very bad state - no cover of any kind for officers or men , and the trenches had been very badly blown
in. The night was somewhat lively during the relief, but quitened down afterwards. The 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers relieved the 1st. Royal Warwicks on our right. The Battalion Headquarters were in OX trench behind the
hill West of Les Boeufs, about T9b 5.3 and a half. Arrivals
and departures; 2 other ranks killed , 5 other ranks wounded (3 died of wounds) OCTOBER
14TH. 1916 A
fine day. About 11a.m. a message came up from the Brigade ordering the Colonel to report to Brigade H.Q. (2 miles away) at
11.30 a.m. . On reaching brigade HQ , the colonel was informed that the battalion had to make a night attack in conjunction
with the 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers at 6p.m. that night from a trench which up till then he had never seen, and from a direction
entirely different from thatwhich he had reconnoitred on the previous day. He at once realised that he could not get the necessary
material, arrange the details of the attack with the O.C. 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers , and get round the trench line heldby
the battalion in the time at his disposal. He therefore arranged for the company commanders to meet him at Battalion Headquarters
on his return. The colonel got back to Battalion H.Q. about 2.15p.m. and found that two of the company commanders had arrived
. The other two arriving about 2.30p.m. The company commanders were Captain JL.Booth
,A company. ; Captain T.J.E. Gaisford Saint Lawrence B Company ; Captain Captain
J.G. Wood C Company ; Captain W.A. Stirling , D company. The
Colonel went very hurriedly through the scheme for the night attack which was as follows; 4th. Division operation order number
69 detailed the 10th. Brigade to attack and capture (1) the Gun Pits lying between
T5a 4.2 and T5a 3.7 . (2) Such portions of Rainy and Dewdrop Trenches as
were not in our hands. ( Incidentally there were no parts of either of these trenches in our hands). As was discovered afterwards , the Division, knowing
that the Colonel had arranged a scheme of his own for attacking Dewdrop Trench , took it for granted that Dewdrop Trench would
be allotted to us as our sole objective and that we would naturally attack it as we had arranged . However the brigade operation
order number 78 ran as follows and by this we had to abide; - "The attack will
be carried out by the 2n. Seaforth Highlanders on the left and the 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers on the right. The 2nd. Seaforth
Highlanders will attack and consolidate Rainy and Dewdrop Trench , and the North Gun Pits. The 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers
will attack, capture and consolidate the South Gun Pits. After the attack , the Seaforths will connect up Dewdrop trench with
the North Gun Pits and the Dublins will connect up the Warwickshire trench with the South Gunpits ." Then
various orders of little interest with this one added at the end; "P " bombs , Very Lights, Grenades , Rockets , Flares ,
sandbags and tools will be issued to the assaulting troops previous to zero hour
." Thus
there was little time for going minutely into anything . In agreement with the O.C. 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers , zero was
postponed until 6.30p.m. . This
was necessitated by the short time available for the company commanders to rejoin their companies in the line , and explain
to any extent the plan of attack, a ,matter which was so absolutely essential to attain any hope of success. In addition these
large quantities of material had to be drawn from the brigade dumps which were
a little under a mile from even battalion h.q. . The material had to be carried up to the line and distributed on arrival.
In addition also , time was necessary to move the Companies opposite their objectives . The
shellfire on our trench line had been considerable throughout the afternoon but we were unaware that the left front attacking
company A had suffered 24 casualities from shellfire during the absence of the O.C. of A company at battalion H.Q., and this
news only reached Battalion H.Q. about 5.40p.m. .The battalion scouts were immediately sent up to reinforce A company but they arrived too late , the company having filed off to the left at 6p.m. to attain
its better alignment. The company commanders had left Battalion H.Q. about 4.15p.m. and had made their way to their companies
(a matter which was not simple in daylight ) as soon as possible. They went hurriedly over the scheme , having little time
to point out objectives and alignments before dark. What
stores had arrived were then distributed and the Companies filed off about 6p.m. or soon after to get into position. It was
quite dark as the moon had not risen. By zero hour (6.30p.m. ) A Company in one wave as their objective was so wide and C
company in two waves were in position opposite their respective objectives . D Company was late and B company were in position,
though possibly not so close behind Company C as was intended . "A" and "C" companies moved forward toward their objectives. At
6.38 and a half p.m. , C company wer discovered when they were 100 yards from their objective. The enemy put up a red light
and an intense barrage opened on a line about 70 yards in front of the Gun Pits.Captain Wood who was leading his company gave
the word to charge and the leading wave rushed the Gun Pits. Captain Wood was shot just before reaching his objective , as
well as several others. The waves in the rear were hung up by the barrage and only 2 officers (2n. Lieutenants Cooper and
A.J. Brown ) with 9 men got into the Gun Pits. 2nd. Lieutenant Brown was badly wounded , and finally 2nd. Lieutenant Cooper
and 5 men were left. The trench was at first full of the enemy , who however seemed almost immediately to disappear. This
small party remained in the trench for about 20 minutes , bombing dugouts etcetera. Then however they were compelled to withdraw,
as they were being enfiladed from both sides by machine guns and the enemy started a bombing attack from in front. They managed
to evacuate the wounded , and 2/Lieut. Brown who had been temporarily stunned , recovered consciousness , and got back. Meanwhile A company
had got to within 50 yards of Rainy Trench before the red light went up and the attack was discovered. They thereupon
rushed Rainy Trench , and killedthe few Germans who were there They carried on
and endeavoured to attain Dewdrop Trench but were driven back on Rainy Trench by very heavy machine gun fire . 2/Lieuts R.P.Agar
and J.L. Lawson were both killed on reaching Rainy Trench, and Captain Booths 3rd. subaltern 2/Lieut Irvine was wounded. D
Company were late getting into alignment owing to the disappearance of the O.C. Company (Captain W.R. Stirling), who is believed
to have been killed when recconoitering in front of his company , they being under orders to await his return. Rainy
Trench was held for 5 hours by Captain Booth with 30 men and was evacuated by the Colonels order before daylight on the 15th. Here
nothing was gained and our line remained as before . Had the supporting Companies been following up the leading Companies
closely as was intended the result might have been different , but considering the circumstances and the hurry in which everything was arranged there was little prospect of attaining any success unless
the leading waves could have got within a very close distance of their objective without being seen. The
2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers whe were to attack the Southern Gun Pits on our right
, were unable to leave their trenches . This resulted in the enfilade machine gun fire being able to bear on the North Gun
Pits from that side. The
casualities were heavy but we were lucky not to lose more . 2/Lieuts Agar and Lawson were both splendid officers- a great
loss to the Battalion and Captain Billy Stirling of Fairburn, well known in Seaforth County , though only 19 years old , had
the makings of a great soldier. Three
out of the four Company Sergeant Majors were wounded , but otherwise losss in the NCO's were light . Captain Wood did very
well while he lasted and took his company forward over very difficult ground in perfect alignment . He was hit in the head
and the body, but after lying out in a shell hole within a few yards of the Gun Pits , he managed to crawl back to our lines
. Captain Booth also did excellent work against heavy odds , for his Company lost heavily . For
this action these two officers were afterwards awarded the Military Cross and Sgt. Proctor of A Company was awarded the Military
Medal. The
casualities for the 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders for Saturday 14th. October 1916; Killed; 2/Lieut R.P.Agar 2/Lieut J.N.Lawson 16 other ranks Died
of Wounds; 1 other rank Missing
believed killed; Captain W.A. Stirling Wounded;
Captain J.G. Wood 2/Lieut A.J. Brown 2/Lieut T.C.Irvine 2/Lieut G.T.D.Alexander(remained at duty) 53 other ranks Wounded
(Shell Shock) Lieut.
G.G.H. Savery 2/Lieut J.H. Sandison 11 other ranks Missing; 7 other ranks. I
have compared the diary casualties with the War Grave Commission figures and they agree completely with regard to the number
of killed that day ie. 3 officers and 24 men. Perhaps it is a significant indication of the ferocity of the fighting that
of these men, only one Officer and four men have marked graves. The remainder have their names on the Thiepval Memorial at
" Pier and Face 15C". MEN
IN ACTION ON THE 14TH. OCTOBER 1916. This list contains the names of 27 men of whom only
5 have registered graves. NAME
2nd.Lieut. Guards Cemetery Les BoeufsV111.D.3 William
Aicken Private 9611
Thiepval Memorial John
Allan Private S/43071
Thiepval Memorial Thomas
Baird Private 10576
Serre Road 2 XL1.H.7 Son
of William Baird of Rutherglen, Lanarkshire. Archibald
Barton Private S/11101 Thiepval
Memorial Donald
Beaton Private S/43142
Thiepval Memorial John
Campbell Corporal 5/6330 Combles
Cemetery 1.B.9 Andrew
Casey Private
S/43146 Thiepval Memorial William
Forbes Private 7779 Thiepval Memorial F.Hughes M.M.
Corporal 9663 Guards Cemetery V111.D.1 John Humphries Private S/40069 Thiepval Memorial John
Lawson 2nd.Lieut.
Thiepval Memorial Hugh
Mackay Lance Corporal S/40031 Thiepval Memorial Donald
Murray Private 3/7040 Thiepval Memorial Thomas
Murray Private S/10776 Thiepval Memorial David
Newlands Corporal S/40035 Thiepval Memorial Alfred
Parrott Private S/43041 Thiepval Memorial Robert
Rendall Private S/10803 Serre
Road#2 xxxv1.M.16 Colin
Ridgeway Private 3/5801 Thiepval Memorial. Husband
of Mary Jane Ridgeway,Stapleford, Nottingham. Harry
Shimmin Private S/11515 Thiepval Memorial Son
of Philip Shimmin, Whitehaven, Cumberland. William
Aeneas Stirling Captain Thiepval Memorial Son of Major Stirling,Fairburn,Muir of Ord,Rossshire. James
Stout Private S/12438 Thiepval Memorial Son
of Mrs.Betsy Gullion, Shoehall,Guith, Eday,Orkney. Harold
Swain Private S/40058 Thiepval Memorial Son
of William Swain, Bradford Moor,Bradford. George
Venables Corporal 8090
Thiepval Memorial Son
of FG Venables, Wolverhampton. Peter
Thomson Wood Private S/43164 Thiepval Memorial Lionel
Malcolm Wilson Private S/43054 Thiepval Memorial David
Burns Wilson Private S/43165
Thiepval Memorial It
is very interesting to compare the war diary above to that of the 2nd. Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers who, according to
the Seaforths "were unable to leave their trenches". The
following is the entry in its entirity from the War Diary of the 2nd. Royal Dublin Fusiliers . 14th.
October 1916 “During
the night the Seaforth Highlanders and 50 of our own men were ordered to take the Gunpits on Strongpoint by a bayonet charge.The
enemy did not discover the attack until 7 minutes after zero and then opened a very strong M.G. and rifle fire.His barrage
came down under half a minute and it was almost impossible to get through it . Some of the Seaforths did get into the Gun
Pits but as they were so few they were driven out by an immediate bombing attack.” At
this juncture it may be pertinent to add that nine days later Sergeant Robert Downie , a Scot serving with the 2nd. Royal
Dublin Fusiliers won the Victoria Cross in another attack at Lesbeoufs. Following
Extract from the 2nd. Seaforth War Diary; SUNDAY
15TH.OCTOBER 1916. The
Battalion held Burnaby,Foggy,Shamrock and Thistle Trenches, the garrison of which was reduced to 4 officers and 130 other
ranks to save casualties from shellfire. Battalion HQ, Lewis Guns and 4 machine guns of the 10th. Brigade M.G. Company also
formed the garrison of trench line. Our first reinforcements who had been left back with the transport, came up during the
night and were sent up to the trench line. We
buried all our dead which we were able to get down from in front at a point on the South side of the Ginchy -Lesbeoufs road,
just at the top of the sunken road leading down to lesbeoufs. It was a lively day, artillery being active on both sides. ARRIVALS
I.B. MOir, servant and two other ranks to lewis gun school. CASUALTIES; 1
man attached to 10th. brigade MG coy. wounded 1
man wounded 16TH.
October 1916; Situation
and garrison the same as the 15th. A fine day but very cold. We suffered considerably
through our own shells firing short. CASUALTIES; 2
Men killed; 2 men wounded;
5 men wounded(shell shock) 17th. OCTOBER 1916 A
very wet day. We suffered again from our own shells. Had several casualties. The enemy bombarded Thistle and Shamrock Trenches
very heavily. It became very wet at night. We were releived by the 1st. East Lancs. The relief began at 5.30pm and was not
complete until 02;30 on the 18th. It was very dark, the ground being at its worst,
and altogether it was a most unpleasant evening. The
battalion only just got clear of the trenches in time, as the East Lancs, with the 1st. Rifle Brigade made an attack on Dewdrop
at 03 40 am. The conditions however doomed this to be a failure from the start.
ARRIVALS- DEPARTURES 8 Men Killed 10 men wounded 2 Men wounded- shell shock 1 man wounded (attached 10th. Company M.G. Corps) 1 Man wounded- remained at duty 2 O.R. rejoined from Lewis Gun School 2/Lieut R. Smith from Hospital EXTRACT FROM WAR DIARY OF 2ND. BATTALION ESSEX
REGIMENT 18th. October 1916; Small attack made on our rightat 3.30 a.m. unsuccessful.
Our heavies were endeavouring to shell ZENITH put all their shells into our own
front line or behind it. Casualties 4
to friendly artillery
2 O.R. killed
16 wounded
OF MONTAUBAN The Battalion marched back to the camp at BERNAFAY CROSS
ROADS after the relief. It was quite a good day, considering everything, but of course in the centre of all the traffic. Best
of the day was given over to rest and clearing up. Weather was very bad. 19th. OCTOBER 1916 It was a very cold- hard frost. Leather Jerkins were issued
to the troops. DESCRIPTION OF THE DEWDROP TRENCH AREA October 19th 1916 “ Visited trenches to be taken over and we are to
do a “show” . I have never seen such desolation. Mud thin, deep and black, shell holes full of water, corpses
all around in every stage of decomposition, some partially devoid of flesh, some swollen and black, some fresh, lying as if
in slumber. One bolt upright, a landmark and guide, another bowed as if trying to touch his toes. Our trenches are little
nore than joined up shell holes, mostly with 12 inches of water above 12 inches of mud. A sunken road provides the only access
under cover and this is almost constantly under shell fire. The casualties on this road are terrible. I had a very narrow
escape myself. A 5.9 shell plunged into the mud just in front of me and did not explode- 1000 to 1 chance. I was smothered
with slime and had to scrape it out of my eyes to see. Passed several derilict tanks on our way back to Trones wood camp where
we have nothing but bivouacs. Weather cold and wet. Sat in deep shell holes for shelter completely and utterly miserable.” War Diary of 2nd. Seaforth Highlanders (contd) 20th. OCTOBER 1916 Still bitterly cold- a large working party went out at
night to dig or rather fill in old trenches just East of GUILLEMONT. The party had 14 casualties owing to some live bombs
or dud shells being struck by a pick or shovel. ARRIVALS, DEPARTURES AND CASUALTIES; 2/Lieut P.G. Grove, H.R.V. Jameson and servants rejoined
from 4th Division School. 13 men wounded (2 of which died of wounds) 41 reinforcements joined. 21st. OCTOBER 1916 It was fine but still very cold. A working party of 50
men under an officer went up to the vicinity of LESBEOUFS at night to assist in carrying some Trench Mortar Ammunition. ARRIVALS, DEPARTURES AND CASUALTIES 1 man on leave until the 29th 22nd. OCTOBER 1916 Bitter. We had Church Parade in the morning. The Colonel
attended a conference of Corps , Divisional and Brigade Commanders in the morning
at the QUARRY- GUILLEMONT. General Lambton came over in the afternoon and said a few words to all the officers on the operations
of the next day. CASUALTIES 3 Men wounded. 23rd. OCTOBER 1916 TRENCHES IN THE VICINITY OF LESBEOUFS The 4th Division with the 6th Division
on the left and the French on the right made another attempt to reach the line which they had failed to attain on the 12th.. The 12th Brigade was to attack on the left and
the 11th Brigade on the right. The Battalion was attached to the 12th Brigade
for this attack, and were held in reserve, with orders to move up in support, and to help the attacking Battalions to hold
the final objective either when once attained, or to help in consolidating the first objective, the ridge beyond DEWDROP TRENCH,
if that was attained and no further advance could be made. It was decided at the conference of the previous day that
we should not leave our assembly trenches and thus remain on the telephone until some definite news had reached from Brigade
H.Q. concerning the attack. This would enable us to move out of our assembly trenches in the best formation considering the
circumstances, and would make it more possible for the Battalion to remain intact,
than would be possible if the Battalion had to move up to the line just in front
of LESBEOUFS, and so run straight into the German barrage , immediately afterwards. With these orders we left BERNAFAY CAMP at 3 a.m. and moved
up via GUILLEMONT AND GINCHY to our assembly trenches on the ridge North of LESBEOUFS
– GINCHY ROAD, and N.W. of LESBEOUFS. Zero hour for the attack was arranged for 11;30a.m. , however
there was a damp mist in the morning , which resulted in zero hour being postponed
until 2;30p.m.. At zero hour the mist had lifted considerably and the attack started with the usual tremendous barrage. At
2:40p.m.we received a message ordering the Battalion to move up to a position in front of LESBEOUFS immediately. This was
contrary to all previous arrangements, but being an order we moved immediately. The German barrage was to the right on the
LESBEOUFS LINE. The Colonel led the Battalion, followed in the order by Headquarters (signallers and orderlies), B, D, C,
A Coys.. We moved right through LESBEOUFS being very fortunate with
regard to casualties, considering the fact that the place was being plastered by very heavy shells. When the head of the column reached the SUNKEN ROAD, running
just to the East of the village, two very big shells burst right among us. One of them accounted for every signaller who was
with us, killing all except one who was very badly wounded. The Battalion moved into BURNABY, FOGGY AND SHAMROCK TRENCHES.
Battalion H.Q. settling down in BURNABY TRENCH. We remained here, sending messages in every direction, to try and ascertain
any news we could. However we could hear nothing for definite, and the situation was certainly very vague. We could see our
red flares burning on the ridge in front, and at the same time the enemy were sniping at us from very close range. After we
had settled down in these trenches, we got a very heavy shelling for two hours. The trench was in a dreadful state, almost
non existent in many places. Darkness came on and still no word came in. We decided before long that DEWDROP AND RAINY TRENCHES
were still in the enemy’s hands and that the 11th. Brigade on the right had taken the GUN PITS and the ridge
just in front. About 3 p.m. the rain came, and it was a very wet night. The enemy were putting there flares right into our
trench where they proceeded to burn very brightly for a few seconds. About 10p.m. the Colonel and Adjutant went back through
LESBEOUFS TO THE Battalion H.Q. in the assembly trenches, where the telephone
was. On arrival there they found a message, ordering us to take DEWDROP TRENCH at all costs. Following a brief telephone conversation
with the Brigadier of the 12th Brigade, it was decided that such an attack would be absolute madness, and could
only result in one thing- the annihilation of the Battalion. Surprise would have been quite impossible, considering the enumerable
flares and the awful state of the ground, and without surprise, the attack would be futile. The General then ordered the Colonel to withdraw the Battalion
from the trenches. It was then midnight. The casualties of the day are noted below. The Divisional attack had, to all intents
and purposes, failed, though some ground had been gained on the right. ARRIVALS DEPARTURES AND CASUALTIES 13 KILLED 3 DIED OF WOUNDS 21 WOUNDED 2/Lieut P.C. Grove wounded, remained at duty It was on this day That Sergeant Robert Downie of the 2nd.
Royal Dublin Fusiliers won his Victoria Cross. His
citation states; " On the 23rd. October 1916
east of Lesbeoufs, when most of the officers had become casualties, Sergeant Downie, utterly regardless of personal danger
and under very heavy fire, organised the attack which had been temporarily checked. At the critical moment he rushed forward
shouting "
Come on the Dubs" which had an immediate response and the line rushed forward at his call. Sergeant Downie accounted for several
of the enemy and in addition captured a machine gun, killing the team. Although wounded early in the fight, he remained with
his company, giving valuable assistance while the position was being consolidated." EXTRACT FROM WAR DIARY OF
2ND. BATTALION ESSEX REGT. October 23 1916 in Assembly
Trenches Zero hour 11;30a.m.. Zero
hour postponed until 2.30p.m. on account of heavy mist. At 2.30p.m. the assaulting troops went over the top were immediately
met with heavy M.G. fire. First 4 waves were stopped by German front line (Dewdrop?) these waves were destined for BROWN LINE,
an imaginary line 700 yards from our trenches and about 500 yards behind the enemy front line and few crossed the enemy front
line. Second four waves starting
from assembly trenches at 2;40p.m. ( destined for GREEN LINE an imaginary line about 1200 yards in front of our line) were met with heavy M.G. fire and a light enemy
barrage. Of the two companies forming these lines only about 30 men and 2 lewis
guns reached BROWN LINE where they started to dig in. Receiving no support from the flanks and rear and all officers and N.C.Os.
having become casualties the remains of this party had to withdraw. By 9p.m. the whole line had withdrawn back to the original
assembly trenches. A few men held out in shell holes till early morning 24th. Casualties; 2/lieuts Lee, Browne and
Orford wounded 2/lieut. Waldron missing 17 O.R. killed 72 O.R. wounded 165 O.R. missing 24TH. OCTOBER 1916 MAP REF M.18d SHEET 62D CAMP AT SANDPITS ¾ miles S.W. of MEAULTE Owing to casualties and other reasons, the runners to the
companies, bearing relief orders, never delivered their messages. The Battalion however withdrew from the trenches about 7a.m.
on the 24th then marched back to BERNAFAY CAMP. It was very,
very wet. At BERNAFAY CAMP breakfast was eaten and from there the Battalion proceeded in Lorries to the SANDPIT CAMP near
MEAULTE. The men were very done, but after a tot of rum and a good tea, they got down to a very good nights’ rest. ARRIVALS DEPARTURES AND CASUALTIES 1 man wounded The following is an extract from the diary of a member
of the 2nd. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. October 24th]
It rained all night. The only relief for anyone was by changing the posture of discomfort. And it rained most of the
day, which the men spent "making themselves comfortable". Nerves were a bit frayed all round. The gunners objected that our
modest fires would give them away, but they had blazing fires of their own. There were minor altercations, yet from time to
time someone laughed aloud, a merry laugh.The 33rd Division is relieving the 4th. Since last it was in action the line had
been carried forward 3 miles, mostly on a mid-September day when tanks, used for the first time, rolled over everything that
did not get out of the way. Since then the German concentration, our lengthening communications, the bad weather conditions
and the heavy surface, had all but stopped progress but there was no end to attempts, to attain small objectives by just hurling
shells and men pell-mell at them.Before nightfall we were on the road again for a short distance; then our route was over
fields by a track that was entered on about half a mile behind Morval. Goldsmith, who was leading, picked up the only guide
and raced on, his Company streaming behind him, the others behind it. Touch was lost in the dusk among men and detachments
going in and coming out, and no one knew the way. The men were over-laden for the going; on parts of the ill-defined track
they sank over their boots at every step. In the sunken road that was our reserve position several exhausted men of the outgoing
units had stuck fast; they had to be dug out of the tenacious clay soil. A shell bursting there cost us Roberts, the Aid Post
Orderly, and one or two others. Not a few of our weaker brethren were benighted; some were struggling in until noon next day,
others were taken into the Ambulance Relay Post and: sent to hospital; but before morning most of the men had got in somehow,
weary, mud-caked, wet.The Battalion was disposed on a two-company front in relief of the remains of the 11th Brigade. B Company
was on the right, in Slush. They were in touch with the French 125th Regiment, who were in Antelope. The French were extended
from behind Sailly-Saillisel. C Company was on B's left, in Frosty; its left was in the air, for there was a considerable
gap between it and the 20th R.F. who were in Snow, facing left. A. Company was in Ox Support; and D, in reserve, was in the
sunken road in rear. The front Companies were hampered in getting in, and
in working, by dead and wounded of the 11th Brigade; these were everywhere, some two dozen stretcher-cases having been left
behind. For the three days we were in the position our bearers worked tirelessly to get these men out; they were helped towards
the end by squads of the 5th S.R. The absence of communication trenches restricted the work to the dark hours : nearly half
of the men died. As
a point of interest, the Rainy/Dewdrop/Gun Pit position was eventually taken by the 1st. Middlesex Regiment, two weeks after
Thomas Bairds’ death, on the 28th. October with the loss of 208 casualties. Their battalion war diary entry is very
similar to that of the 2nd. Seaforths and was as follows; "
On the 23rd. October the Middlesex moved to Trones Wood via Mametz and Montauban. The wood was a mass of broken trees and
shell holes and still full of the remains of dead Germans - a ghastly place in which to bivouac. On
the 24th., during a reconnaissance of the line East of Lesbeoufs, Captain J.E. Coughian was killed and Captain G.N.A. Cursons
wounded by a shell. On that day the Battalion went into the line East of Lesbeoufs Extract
from diary of 2nd. Royal Welch Fusiliers; [October 25th] By daylight the rudimentary trenches
had been deepened enough to give fair cover. The position was seen to be a hollow overlooked by the enemy, to whom situation
maps allotted Hazy Trench, Misty Trench, and other apt names. The "trenches" were figments of the Staff imagination, but the
names had a colloquial use in pointing the whereabouts of the groups of shell-holes that served the Germans well for concealment
and defense. So undefined was the position that at dawn the C.O. and Sapper Officer were just saved from walking over to the
enemy round C Company's open flank. Only less adventurous was the C.O.'s visit to the French company on his right. He was
looked at with suspicion, and escorted back to his own trench for informal identification. Our predecessors, who were not well dug-in, and the
Germans had indulged each other a good deal except during an attack, or if a patrol blundered into its enemy's lines. Our
fellows, having been made to keep warm by digging, fired on anyone who looked out of a shell-hole in daylight. Goldsmith was
claiming six Germans in one hole to his own rifle when again a head, the same head, was raised, and a tired voice pleaded,
"Don't shoot at me, sir, I'm a wounded Hants" (of the 11th Brigade). The day passed in ever-deferred expectation of doing
something. We were to attack with the French, who fixed an hour, postponed it, and then cancelled it. In the afternoon word
was sent from behind that a German attack was imminent: nothing happened. Then C Company was warned to do a night stunt: it
heard no more about it. 2nd. Batallion Seaforth Highlanders War Diary. 25th - 26th OCTOBER 1916 Being very wet, on the 26th. 240 of the Battalion
were bathed at baths near MEAULTE. General cleaning up and kit inspections. ARRIVALS, DEPARTURES, CASUALTIES; 25TH. Lieut. A. N. Forsyth joined. 2/Lieut J.B. Moir, servant and 2 O.Rs. from lewis gun school. 2/Lieut N.S. Stuart posted to 6th. Battalion,
Seaforth Highlanders. 26th. 2/Lieut W. Aitken posted to Battalion Diary of 2nd. Royal Welch Fusiliers; [October 26th] Half of B Company and all C were withdrawn
at 7 o'clock to the support line to let our 6-inch howitzers bombard the nebulous German position at Boritzka and Hazy. This
was in preparation for an attack by the French and ourselves later in the day. C had casualties from the bombardment, and
found their trench pretty well flattened out on returning to it at dusk. The attack was cancelled. 27th. OCTOBER BILLETS IN CORBIE The Battalion moved to billets in CORBIE, leaving SANDPITS
at 10.45 a.m. and reaching CORBIE about 2;30 p.m. . We occupied the same billets as
we had on our previous visit to CORBIE at the end of September. ARRIVALS , DEPARTURES AND CASUALTIES 1 N.C.O. to course of instruction in transport. 33 reinforcements joined. 1 man from I.O.M. 8th. Corps workshop. Extract from a diary of the 2nd. Royal Welch
Fusiliers; [October 27th] Half B and C were again withdrawn to
oblige the French: again our trench was flattened out: and again nothing followed. Late in the day the Brigadier came to H.Q.
and wished us "good luck" in a partnership with the French tomorrow. Our liaison officers, seated on velvet, may be complaisant
to seventy times seven with unreadiness and whims, but our "Poor Bloody Infantry" is kept on tenterhooks by Gallic ways. Meanwhile
the Brigadier wants us to use up our sagging energy digging a trench in dead ground. One cause of the 11th Brigade's failures
(and later failure) is that the German front is in dead ground to our field-guns, and they have a clearance of only 6 feet
6 inches of the bank into which H.Q. is dug. Local tradition says that a tall French officer, who stood on one of the little
heaps of stones that are raked up before plowing, had his head knocked off. "The Count", who retired to the top of the bank,
and descended in haste and deshabille, says the clearance, is nothing like 6 feet; but he is not a judge of range or direction.
-- In one respect we are fortunate: our Gunner observer is knowledgeable and helpful, unlike the general run of forward observers
these days who disclaim being in any sense liaison. -- The Ambulance-bearer work has improved; hitherto it has not taken account
of the surface on which stretchers have to be carried: A wounded officer, not of ours, weighing 16 stone, was carried into
the Advanced Dressing-station. He told the M.O. that his men were toppers, he would like to kiss them all because they had
dropped him only four times. -- At last we had a fine morning, it promised well for the day, but the end was a downpour. A late warning of relief was very cheering news; the
physical conditions were a trial of endurance. Anything I have seen out here yet was picnicking compared with these four days.
Until today's downpour it has been horribly raw, with mist or occasional drizzle. The Companies have not been in action or
strafed, but food can neither be cooked nor sent up warm; H.Q. has to live on sandwiches made up behind. Taking up rations
at night, the Transport found that things were simply bloody. Woe betide the wagon or team that got off the beaten track.
Everyone had to be challenged. A single man who loomed up in the darkness replied, "A Doblin Fus'lier, and a bluidy poor spicimin
at that." Moldy Williams supplied the daily tonic. Although movement by day was unhealthy he strolled, smiling, over the top
each morning to ask the Companies in front if his Sapping Platoon could do anything for them. My part has been one of rather
ignominious inactivity. Three of the last four days at Lucheux in bed with influenza, rising only to see the sick, was no
preparation for this ordeal. At H.Q., an earthen vault recently cleared of German dead, in a sunken road between Morval and
Lesboeufs I shivered in two suits of summer and one suit of winter underclothing; and three pairs of socks in easy boots did
not save me from chilblains that made the wearing of boots impossible for two days. How the men, the undeveloped youths, have
stood these trenches is beyond my understanding. Contrary to what is usual, H.Q. gets all the shells that are going. The sunken
road is a natural target; it has had a fair dose, but the crump on our roof that would bury us has not happened so far. The
smoke of our attempts to have a fire may have drawn shelling, besides choking us. The Companies have been almost exempt from
shells but for our artillery's shorts. Relief arrangements, which worked well, had been made
with The Cams. before a less simple Brigade scheme arrived. Trouble began after we got out. The lighter-laden officers and
the robust carried rifles, Lewis guns, and such of the magazines as had not been "lost". Exhausted men were pulled out of
mud from which they could not lift their feet, and hauled over anything they could not jump -- however narrow. One spent youth
prayed "Only leave me to die": another, when asked how long he had been mired, said with a wan smile, "Since the beginning
of the War." Extract from the War Diary of the 1st. Middlesex
Regiment October 28th. 1916 The
enemy was attacked on the 28th. October, the objective of the brigade being the the German positions in front of Le Transloy,
known as Rainy Trench and Dewdrop Trench, and the dug outs and points north east of the latter. Zero Hour was 5.30a.m. A and C companies led the
attack of the 1st. Middlesex, an attack splendidly successful, for by 9.30a.m. the whole objective was in their hands and
handed over to a relieving battalion(4th. Suffolk Regt.) that night. That success was dearly bought, for one officer (2nd
lieut. C.A.T. Benson) was killed and seven officers (Captain E.W. Shaw, Lieuts. C.R. Smith and H.C.O. Buchanan, and 2nd. Lieuts.
R,B. Holman, E. Auckland, R.A. Buckingham, and A.W.C. Hodges) were wounded; 35 other ranks were killed, 136 wounded and 29
were missing- total all ranks 208. Diary of 2nd.
Royal Welch Fusiliers; [October 28th] We were all back at Guillemont by 6 a.m.,
most of the men stone-cold. Our "rest billets" were recognized as having been a village by the household fragments turned
up on digging; and there was the human evidence of battle. Wood for cover and firing was most sought. By evening the men had
made for themselves shacks, and some were singing. Rum is a great reviver; it was no longer an issue in the Division; it had
to be wrung out of the new G.O.C. for today only. His own habits are not ascetic. An occasional shell still falls on the site.
If Fritz is better off for quarters behind his front he is having a poorer time under long-range fire, we are sending over
so many more shells than we get. 2nd . Seaforth Highlanders War Diary(contd) 28-29th. OCTOBER Fine. The Battalion had baths on the 29th..
The same day the transport moved to ARGOEUVES, where they spent the night, carrying on to LIMEUX on the 30th. ARRIVALS , DEPARTURS AND CASUALTIES; 28th. 2/Lieut W.G. Fenhoulhet posted to Battalion 29th. 7 new reinforcements joined. Extract from a diary of a member of th 2nd.
Royal Welch Fusiliers; [October 29th] Rain and bitter cold. Some men who can
stand no more have been sent to hospital. The others are wonderfully cheery. A few short-time working-parties are being found.
Our losses for the week are about 60 from all causes, two dozen are gunshot wounds; and we have "done nothing". I was feeling
that Roberts was irreplaceable. He was the most deft and knowing dresser I met in the Army in four years. He taught me much
that a regimental medical officer must know. There was no spoon-feeding in his method, if method there was; all my resource
was drawn out. In all he did he was unruffled and dogged, never more so than when reciting "Gunga Din": during his boy-service
these qualities were called "obstinacy " -- so I was told. The C.O.'s birthday. A cake arrived, and Company Commanders
squeezed into H.Q. for dinner. Near the end a Brigade Order required us to detail a Company to reinforce The Cameronians,
so Ralph Greaves took A back to Morval. The Cams. and 5th S.R. had been given the part for which B and C Companies were cast,
the capture of Hazy. We had reckoned that a surprise rush by one Company might succeed. The battle-piece, a pretentious night
scheme handed out by Brigade or Division to a company from each of two battalions, was foredoomed to failure. Men wandering
behind the German position were captured in daylight. It was said that each battalion lost nearly the strength of its company
-- for nothing. Their enemies helped them to clear some of their wounded -- and saved themselves the heavy carry. [October 30th] Withdrawn to reserve between Trônes and
Bernafay Woods: wretched conditions for all: some tents, leaking like sieves, were issued. During heavy showers it looped
as if the bellying tarpaulin roof of H.Q.'s crazy shack would release a flood on us. It was more from prudence than sacrifice
that-------- War Diary 2nd. Seaforth Highlanders 30th. OCTOBER 1916 The Battalion left CORBIE in a tactical train at 5;25p.m.
and arrived in AIRAINES at 9;45 p.m. . Marched to LIMEUX. Transport arrived at LIMEUX at 5p.m. ARRIVALS DEPARTURES AND CASUALTIES Capt. H.W. Houldsworth and Capt. T.J.S. Gaisford St. Lawrence
on leave. 31st OCTOBER 1916 BILLETS IN LIMEUX 7 MILES SOUTH OF ABBEVILLE The Battalion arrived at LIMEUX at 2;20a.m. it was a very
wet night H.W. HOULDSWORTH Lieut/A/Adjt
At the end of the month there is a page which is headed
“ WASTAGE FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1916”. I wonder if this was
an official term or a sign of morale at the time.
Decrease Increase Killed or Missing
44 To Hospital Sick 2
83 To Hospital Wounded #
* 137 From Hospital
2 53 Others
4 Reinforcements
145 Total
Decrease of 6
Decrease of 123 # Includes 2 wounded, Shell Shock * Includes 19 wounded Shell Shock. “ November 4th. 1916;
Daylight is revealing. Any way one goes to Dewdrop Trench is through a
shambles. Nowhere have I seen the dead in such numbers on so little space or of so many units. The Middlesex had pushed forward
200 yards where previous attempts- seven it is said- had failed.” Whilst researching the assaults on DEWDROP and RAINY TRENCHES
during October 1916, I was struck by the obvious low morale portrayed in the “war diaries” of the various battalions
involved. Indeed I was extremely surprised that the 2nd. Seaforth
Colonel had gone back to telephone his General and persuade him to abandon the Seaforth assault on DEWDROP TRENCH. Howver
it appears that he was not alone in his realistic attitude to the Le Transloy assault. Extracts from “ THE KILLING GROUND “ BY TIM
TRAVERS PUBLISHED BY UNWIN HYMAN DATE 1987 “A typical example concerns a brigade of 12 Division,
which engaged in the battle for Le Transloy ( 7 – 30 October). The Brigade Major had bitter memories of this battle,
which was fought in very poor conditions of rain and mud, and resulted in much loss of life. As a result of inadequate information
on the enemy, the poor conditions, and senior commanders’ ignorance of the state and position of their own troops, he
declared that the Brigade HQ and downwards knew that success was impossible. Due to ignorance, higher formations frequently
ordered attacks to take off from lines which were not held against objectives which could not be located on the ground, and
so the artillery programme was inoperable. Generally, the Brigade Major felt the conditions made fighting impossible- there
were no landmarks, trenches were blown to pieces, and mud made communication difficult. The higher staff did not find out
the real conditions, ignored lower reports, and issued impossible orders- nor were these orders given in sufficient time so
that they tended to be verbal only. Hence the troops had no chance, and the Brigade Major concluded that Le TRANSLY was one
of the most futile of battles.Would official history conceal the story he wondered. “On the 5th. November 1916 an attack had
been planned for Lord Cavan’s 14th. Corps to assault LE TRANSLOY, but there developed an upper level ‘mutiny’
, headed by Lord Cavan , who on November 3rd. complained that the attack by his Corps, in fact 33 Division, should
not go forward, given the exhaustion of his men, and the heavy enfilade fire likely across the lengthy route of the attack.
Among other complaints, Cavan courageously wrote; ‘No one who has not visited the front trenches can
really know the state of exhaustion to which the men are reduced . The conditions are far worse than in the first battle of
Ypres, all my General Officers agree that they are the worst they have ever seen, owing to the enormous distance of the carry
of all munitions- such as food, water and ammunition ‘It would appear that this was one of the few instances when commanders
had the moral courage to resist an order to attack, and one of the few times in which high level commanders came up to the
front to see for themselves . Lord Cavan related how he and Rawlinson had gone beyond the wire early one morning on the 3rd
or 4th. Of November and had slogged through the mud for 100 or 150 yards, and had realized that a general advance
was impossible.” This research was undertaken initially from a personal
family viewpoint in an attempt to clarify the actions surrounding the death of Private Thomas Baird. The facts which emerged from both military and private
records revealed what I think is a ‘ forgotten battle’ filed away under “ the Battle of the Somme”.
After 4 months of sending troops to fight against German
positions , the High Command of Haig and Rawlinson etc. continued to send their men forward repeatedly against not only the
force of the German Army but against the greater force of nature itself as winter set in and the ground became a bogland ,
over which it was impossible to sustain a successful attack certainly over the
distances which they saw as possible of being covered in the open , uphill , over flooded land dotted with shell holes in
full view of German machine gun positions . |
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